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KEDCO Talent & 创业故事:深入科斯丘斯科县的100多个湖泊

Thursday, May 26, 2022

科希丘斯科县有着强大的发明和创业精神. As home to the Orthopedic Capital of the World®, leading agribusinesses, and a booming recreation sector, the community is known for feeding, healing and restoring, and it’s an optimal place for growth and opportunity. 作为其中的一部分,使科斯丘斯科县更像一块宝石的是它的100多个湖泊. It’s truly a paradise for lake living and vacationing.

“科斯丘斯科县拥有令人难以置信的职业和优质的地方产品. 我们的湖泊是如何融入这里的日常生活的,这是非常特别的. 你在这个县里到处旅行都能找到附近的湖泊,科希丘斯科经济发展公司(KEDCO)首席执行官艾伦·蒂奥说.

And the lakes make quite a splash in Kosciusko County, with a more than $300M economic impact each year, according to the Lilly Center for Lakes & Streams.

“We have over 100 lakes in our county, we have Lake Wawasee as the biggest natural lake Indiana. Lake Tippecanoe is the deepest natural lake in Indiana, 蒂珀卡努河正好穿过这个县,被认为是美国十大河流之一.S. by The Nature Conservancy,” said Nate Bosch, PH.D, Director of the Lilly Center.

补充和丰富我们美丽的湖泊,是 Lilly Center located at Grace College in Winona Lake, and The Watershed Foundation (TWF) located in North Webster.

Unique to Kosciusko County, 礼来中心的使命是净化淡水湖泊和溪流, healthy, safe and beautiful. The organization, which celebrates 15 years this year, conducts research, provides valuable resources, engages with and educates residents and businesses, and collaborates with local partners.

Bosch is originally from Holland, Michigan, 甚至因其户外活动而享有“纯粹密歇根”的著名称号, Bosch said the lake landscape in Kosciusko County is very unique. “Our lakes are truly remarkable for recreation, and all 该县的湖泊都有一些独特的东西,”博世说.

成立于1997年的TWF还采取了重要的行动来保持我们湖泊的健康和清洁. TWF的重点是蒂珀卡努河流域的源头. 这个分水岭横跨多个县,占地236平方英里,包含60多个湖泊. TWF的使命是保护和改善上蒂珀卡努河流域的湖泊和溪流的水质,为今天和未来服务.

“TWF takes action! 我们在陆地上的污染源成为我们的湖泊和河流的问题之前识别并解决它们. 水务署每天与土地拥有人及合作伙伴合作,保护及改善水质,” said TWF Executive Director Lyn Crighton.

TWF has worked with 60 farmers, 120 landowners, 和其他合作伙伴在我们的社区建设了200多个污染防治项目.

“Projects aimed at preventing sediments, fertilizers, 进入我们水道的细菌为我们的湖泊和社区提供了直接和长期的好处,” said Crighton.

The Kosciusko County Convention and Visitors Bureau (KCCVB)在突出本地湖泊方面也发挥了重要作用, 并为游客和居民提供了深刻的见解,让他们在参观或在k县生活时享受. 查看KCCVB的数字“蓝色空间”指南,其中包括几张湖泊地图, and includes a map key showing where beaches, parks, rentals and more are located throughout the county at 或在KCCVB或礼来中心领取印刷指南.

“科斯丘斯科县为游客和居民提供了丰富的美丽景点.  With over 100 natural lakes, 这为欣赏湖泊附近的公园提供了机会, walking and biking trails, kayaking, canoeing, fishing, dining, and shopping in every corner of the county.  我们的湖泊在使十大娱乐平台排行榜成为一个伟大的居住地方面发挥了至关重要的作用, work, and play,” said KCCVB Executive Director Cori Humes.

所有这些组织共同努力促进十大娱乐平台排行榜湖泊和生活的一个重要方式是与 Clearly Kosciusko brand. 很明显,Kosciusko是由Lilly湖泊中心合作创建的一个全国性的声音 & Streams, KCCVB, Kosciusko商会和KEDCO. 作为不同的组织,专门从事使这个国家与众不同的工作, 显然,Kosciusko帮助创造了一个统一的、被放大的故事. 企业被邀请成为会员,并帮助讲述clear Kosciusko的故事. 它是免费加入的,企业可以通过访问了解更多信息

Lakes unite people. It’s a gathering place for friends, family and neighbors, 无论你想放松和放松钓鱼和游泳, or get up and go with boating and watersports, there’s something for everyone. The Lake City Skiers Water Ski Show Team is Indiana’s only competitive water ski show team. 有几个公共海滩供家庭享受, Kosciusko县有许多特别的餐馆,人们可以在水边用餐. Find a list of local lakeside dining options at

“Our lakes are a rare and unique asset here. 是否有人考虑搬到这里生活和工作, 或者来这里为全国各地的公司远程工作, 我们拥有两全其美的工作机会和一流的设施,” said Tio.


KEDCO是一个帮助企业和人才找到出路的资源, and make their home here in Kosciusko County. 了解更多关于湖泊的信息,请查看我们对Nate Bosch的采访,第23集 Clearly Kosciusko podcast. The Clearly Kosciusko podcast is powered by KEDCO. 通过观看我们的视频,一睹k县的湖泊和其他独特的设施 想要了解更多故事,请关注@KosciuskoEDC Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.

Photo captured by the Lilly Center for Lakes & Streams. Shown is Lake Tippecanoe (foreground) and Oswego Lake (background).