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Brookings and LISC partner with Warsaw on 12-month Learning Lab, 一个侧重于扩大小城市和农村地区公平经济机会的项目

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Source: Indiana Economic Development Corporation

WARSAW, Ind. (2022年11月29日)——旨在缩小经济机会方面的地域和种族差距 Brookings Institution’s Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) will together work with three Indiana towns—Michigan City, 西摩和华沙将在明年共同制定“以社区为中心的经济包容”(CCEI)议程. The effort is supported by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC), and focused on small cities located in the state of Indiana’s READI program regions.

Through this 12-month Learning Lab, Brookings and LISC will offer research, technical assistance, 并为三个地方团队(“群组”)提供结构化的机会,让他们聚在一起讨论具体挑战和最佳实践战略,以促进以社区为中心的经济包容. 通过该实验室制定的CCEI议程将使印第安纳州的每个城镇有效地参与到其区域经济的增长部门中,以扩大当地的经济机会. Importantly, 议程还将概述通过协调和集中劳动力来解决持续经济停滞和不平等问题的战略, small business, real estate development, and placemaking efforts.

Following the completion of the Lab, 布鲁金斯学会和LISC将把印第安纳州的经验总结为一份“剧本”,面向全国读者,突出农村和小城市如何与地区领导人及其所在州合作,促进更大的公平与繁荣.

The lead convening organizations representing each Indiana town in the cohort are: Economic Development Corporation of Michigan City; Jackson County Industrial Development Corp (Seymour); and Kosciusko Economic Development Corporation (KEDCO) (Warsaw). These organizations will be working closely with other city, community, and regional stakeholders to co-create and implement the CCEI agendas in each city.

Through READI, 代表全州92个县的17个地区正在推进旨在为当前和未来几代印第安纳人改善印第安纳地区的项目和计划. Collectively, the state’s $500 million investment is expected to yield an additional $9.86 billion public, private and nonprofit dollars invested (19.72:1 investment leverage ratio) in enhancing Indiana’s quality of life, quality of place and quality of opportunity.

“这是一个让小社区成为该州包容性经济发展焦点的绝佳机会,” said Vincent Ash, Vice President of Development at the IEDC. “While well-intentioned, 许多经济发展战略缺少整体需求,因为它们是自上而下制定的. 从社区采购将大大有助于确保有需要的社区实现更大的经济增长和公平. Further, I’m looking forward to sharing


“我们很高兴能与印第安纳州的当地领导人合作,努力制定战略,将投资减少的社区的人们和企业与地区经济机会联系起来,” said Jennifer S. Vey, Senior Fellow and Director of Brookings’s Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking. “我们希望从这项工作中吸取的教训将对其他希望通过以社区为中心的方法促进公平和经济包容的小城市和农村城镇有所帮助.”

“After implementing economic inclusion strategies in twelve larger cities, we are eager to launch this Learning Lab with local leaders in Michigan City, Seymour and Warsaw to accelerate investment and opportunity in each community,” shared Bill Taft, Senior Vice President of Economic Development at LISC. “As a native Hoosier, 我很高兴印第安纳州的小城市将与布鲁金斯学会和LISC共同制定包容性增长战略,并将在全国范围内使用.”

布鲁金斯学会的巴斯中心和LISC认为,CCEI程序可以帮助更多的小乡镇增加经济机会,提高居民的生活质量. 这项工作特别及时,以确保有关联邦和州流行病恢复基金的地方投资决策产生尽可能大的影响.

“We are extremely excited to be selected as a part of this program,” said Jim Plump, Executive Director of Jackson County Industrial Development Corporation. “The value that this study can have on our future efforts is tremendous, and we can’t wait to get into the actual process in the coming months.”

“我们在科希乌斯科经济发展公司的团队以及我们在华沙和科希乌斯科县的合作伙伴很荣幸能够参与这个项目, which highlights the potential for new growth strategies in smaller communities,” said KEDCO CEO Alan Tio, “这个项目将为我们制定‘骨科之都’的战略愿景,并建立我们当地追求变革的能力,提供一剂强心针, locally inclusive placemaking.”

“密歇根城认为这个机会既是一种荣誉,也是一种特权,能够探索和调查资源和解决方案,以改善我们社区的各个领域,” said Clarence Hulse, Executive Director of Michigan City Economic Development Corporation. “这完全符合我们目前的战略计划,并将有助于显著推动我们居民的经济包容性.”

About Kosciusko Economic Development Corporation
科希乌斯科经济发展公司(KEDCO)成立于1984年,前身是科希乌斯科发展公司. to promote economic and community development throughout Kosciusko County. KEDCO是服务于十大娱乐平台排行榜及其所有自治市的经济发展公司.  十大娱乐平台排行榜是召集、建设和展示十大娱乐平台排行榜的人才、想法和资本. Learn more at

About IEDC
印第安纳经济发展公司(IEDC)负责发展该州的经济, driving economic development, helping businesses launch, grow and locate in the state. Led by Secretary of Commerce Brad Chambers, 
@SecChambersIN, and governed by a 15-member board chaired by Governor Eric J. Holcomb, @GovHolcomb, the IEDC manages many initiatives, including performance-based tax credits, workforce training grants, innovation and entrepreneurship resources, public infrastructure assistance, and talent attraction and retention efforts. For more information about the IEDC, visit

About LISC
LISC is one the country’s largest community development organizations, helping forge vibrant, resilient communities across America. We work with residents and partners to close systemic gaps in health, 财富和机会,促进种族平等,使人民和地方经济能够蓬勃发展. Since our founding, LISC has invested $24 billion to create more than 436,320 affordable homes and apartments and develop 74.4 million square feet of retail, community and educational space. For more, visit

About Brookings Metro
The Brookings Institution is committed to quality, independence, and impact. 布鲁金斯地铁与当地领导人合作,将原始研究见解转化为全国范围内的政策和实际解决方案. To learn more, please visit Follow us on Twitter at

Media Contacts:
Alan Tio (KEDCO) – 574.221.0367 or